Venue and Location

IPMU2024 will take place at Centro de Congressos do Instituto Superior Técnico (Técnico Lisboa), which is located in the heart of Lisbon.

If you are staying at Holliday Inn Lisboa, the entrance to Centro de Congressos is literally across the street, less than 50 meters away.

The nearest subway (Metro) station is Saldanha (served by the Red line and  theYellow line). Take the exit located at the end of the Red line platform, walk across Jardim (garden) do Arco do Cego and it will take you a couple of minutes to reach the Centro de Congressos entrance. 

The Centro de Congressos is located within the Civil Engineering building of Técnico, on levels -1 and -2. The Técnico campus has four main entrances (North, South, East and West), but you can directly access the Centro de Congressos via a dedicated entrance located in Rua Alves Redol (to the left of the West campus entrance). This entrance witll take you directly to level -2, where you have access to all rooms and the coffee breaks.

From within the Técnico campus, you access the Centro de Congressos by the main entrance of the Civil Engineering building, on level 0, and take the stairs (or the lift) to the lower levels. 

IPMU2024 will have sessions in three rooms: Auditorium, room 02.1 and room 02.2.

The registration desk is on level -1, next to the Auditorium upper level entrance. Registration will open at 8:30 on Monday.

On level -2 you have access to the Auditorium lower level entrance, rooms 02.1 and 02.2, and the coffe break lounge. 

Lunch (included in the registration) is served at Restaurant Comida Fresca, located at the ground level of the Civil Engineering building, on the North side (remember, you have to go up to reach the ground level of the building). Lunch logistics:

  • Inside your bag you will find one lunch ticket per day
  • You can choose from any of the available dishes, plus two different sides, one drink, and either soup or one of the available desserts
  • Once you are served give your ticket to the cashier
  • There will be plenty of time for lunch, but if all attendants decide to go at the same time, long lines will be unavoidable. 
Welcome reception

The Welcome Reception (Monday, 17:30) will take place at Jardim Norte (North Garden), located in front of the Civil Engineering building main entrance. Please bring your badge.

Gala Dinner

The Gala Dinner will take place during a 3 hour long cruise on the Tagus river, at Navio Ópera. The ship departs at 19:00 from Doca de Alcantara. Transportation from the Centro de Congressos will be provided: buses depart at 18:00 from the Centro de Congressos, and will return once the cruise finishes. In case you want to get to the dock by yourself, get the directions by searching for “Navio Opera” on Google Maps. Please don’t forget your badge and the tickets indicating your main dish preference (and/or dietary restrictions/allergies) that will be given to you when you register.

Getting There From The Airport

The Red Line of Metro (subway) connects the Airport to Técnico (Saldanha station) in 20 minutes.

About Lisbon

Situated in the west coast of Portugal, where the Tagus river meets the Atlantic Ocean, Lisbon is the westernmost capital in mainland Europe. The light, the atmosphere, and the climate offer marvelous walks all over the city. Lisbon is also extremely lively, with a wealth of cultural events happening every day, and a vibrant nightlife. A huge selection of restaurants is available, featuring Portuguese and international cuisine.

In July the weather is usually pleasant, with sunny days and warm temperatures (30ºC – 86ºF). There are several beaches a few minutes away from the center. The public transportation system is far-reaching and reliable, and has the Metro (subway) as its main backbone. Lisbon can also be easily reached by daily direct flights from major international cities.

This video provides some background on what to expect.